
In Short: Nigiri is a slightly more robust and involved piece of software than the bitcoin-regtest-box, and is easy to set up.
Repo: nigiri
Main Developer: Vulpem Ventures

This page is very much a work in progress. Propose improvements here.



Nigiri is a series of docker containers that together form an ecosystem around a bitcoin regtest network. It provides a bitcoin daemon, an electrum Rust server, an Esplora block explorer web interface, and a Liquid daemon.

See their readme for how to set it up. You can either download the binaries ready to go at or you can build them from source. Both are well explained.

The first thing you need to do once you have nigiri installed is to start up the whole box:

nigiri start

# to stop it, you'd use
nigiri stop

From there, a simple way to get started and play with the regtest in nigiri is to get inside the bitcoin node container and use bitcoin-cli directly (note that nigiri sets the RPC port at 19001 in the config file):

# get inside the container
docker exec -it resources_bitcoin_1 bash

# generate a new address
bitcoin-cli -datadir=config getnewaddress


You can access the logs for all containers and services using the following commands:

# bitcoind
nigiri logs node

# electrs
nigiri logs electrs

# chopsticks
nigiri logs chopsticks

Configuration File

Nigiri stores the bitcoin.conf by default in the ~/.nigiri data directory folder. To tweak your Bitcoin node configuration:

  1. Edit the ~/.nigiri/resources/volumes/regtest/config/bitcoin.conf file
  2. If already started, stop and delete nigiri stop --delete
  3. Start and mount inside the container the edited configuration file nigiri start