Package org.bitcoindevkit


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data class AddressAmount(var address: String, var amount: ULong)

A object holding an address and an amount.

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enum AddressIndex : Enum<AddressIndex>

The address index selection strategy to use to derive an address from the wallet’s external descriptor.

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data class AddressInfo(var index: UInt, var address: String)

A derived address and the index it was found at.

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data class Balance(    var immature: ULong,     var trustedPending: ULong,     var untrustedPending: ULong,     var confirmed: ULong,     var spendable: ULong,     var total: ULong)

Balance differentiated in various categories

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class Blockchain(config: BlockchainConfig)

A blockchain backend.

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sealed class BlockchainConfig

Type that can contain any of the blockchain configurations defined by the library.

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data class BlockTime(var height: UInt, var timestamp: ULong)

Block height and timestamp of a block.

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class BumpFeeTxBuilder

The BumpFeeTxBuilder is used to bump the fee on a transaction that has been broadcast and has its RBF flag set to true.

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sealed class DatabaseConfig

Type that can contain any of the database configurations defined by the library.

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class DescriptorPublicKey(    network: Network,     mnemonic: String,     password: String?)
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class DescriptorSecretKey(    network: Network,     mnemonic: String,     password: String?)
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data class ElectrumConfig(    var url: String,     var socks5: String?,     var retry: UByte,     var timeout: UByte?,     var stopGap: ULong)

Configuration for an Electrum blockchain.

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data class EsploraConfig(    var baseUrl: String,     var proxy: String?,     var concurrency: UByte?,     var stopGap: ULong,     var timeout: ULong?)

Configuration for an Esplora blockchain.

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enum KeychainKind : Enum<KeychainKind>

Types of keychains.

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data class LocalUtxo(    var outpoint: OutPoint,     var txout: TxOut,     var keychain: KeychainKind,     var isSpent: Boolean)

An unspent output owned by a Wallet.

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enum Network : Enum<Network>

The cryptocurrency to act on.

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data class OutPoint(var txid: String, var vout: UInt)

A reference to a transaction output.

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class PartiallySignedBitcoinTransaction(psbtBase64: String)

A partially signed bitcoin transaction.

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class Progress

Class that logs at level INFO every update received (if any).

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data class SledDbConfiguration(var path: String, var treeName: String)

Configuration type for a SledDB database.

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data class SqliteDbConfiguration(var path: String)

Configuration type for a SQLite database.

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data class TransactionDetails(    var fee: ULong?,     var received: ULong,     var sent: ULong,     var txid: String,     var confirmationTime: BlockTime?)

A wallet transaction.

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class TxBuilder

A transaction builder.

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data class TxOut(var value: ULong, var address: String)

A transaction output, which defines new coins to be created from old ones.

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class Wallet(    descriptor: String,     changeDescriptor: String,     network: Network,     databaseConfig: DatabaseConfig)

A Bitcoin wallet. The Wallet acts as a way of coherently interfacing with output descriptors and related transactions. Its main components are:

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enum WordCount : Enum<WordCount>

An enum describing entropy length (aka word count) in the mnemonic.


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fun generateMnemonic(wordCount: WordCount): String

Generates a new mnemonic using the English word list and the given number of words (12, 15, 18, 21, or 24).